Movie: Slumdog Millionaire
Starring: A bunch of Indian people
Plot: The story is told in real-time and in flashback. In real-time, Jamal Malik, form the slums of Mumbai, India, is a contestant on the Indian version of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" The flashbacks show how Jamal knows the answers to the questions asked on the show, through the experiences of his eventful, yet troubled childhood with his older brother, Salim, and a childhood friend, Latika.
Reaciton: Just an amzaing movie. An incredible story that the viewer gets sucked into and emotionally invested in. Even though there are flashbacks it's easy to keep up with the movie. Some of the scenes with the kids and the ghetto are hard to stomach, and some of the movie's dialogue is in Hindu, so it's a pain with the subtitles, but other than that it was an incredible movie. Worthy of every award it won.
Rating: 3 quarters and 2 dimes, "Slumdog Millionaire" gets 95 cents.
The 15-cent crew...