Friday, October 31, 2008

They Said It, Not Us...Halloween Edition

So, Young Sumo, me, and 2 of our lady friends were walking into a restaurant to get something to eat. As we were passing cars in the parking lot, we saw one car that had a license plate that read "SRCTZN". I thought it was obvious, Young Sumo apparently isn't as hooked on phonics.

YS, in his infinite wisdom goes, "What does that say, 'circunsized?'"

(Um...First of all, that's not even a word, it's 'circumsized,' and I'd bet that you probably don't have a "mushroom tip," you filthy Philistine!)

ME: "It says "senior citizen. You dumbass."

Much love to Young Sumo, but he's evidence that sometimes, stereotypes aren't necessarily true...

Once again...THEY SAID IT, NOT US...


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